Fibre to the Home

Fibre to the home (FTTH), replaces the copper cable to your home with optical Fibre, capable of providing blazing fast Internet! With speeds from 30 Mbps up to 1 Gbps, your Internet connectivity can now experience a dramatic improvement with no more long delays when downloading files, music and videos. To make use of Froggin' Awesome Fibre, you will need an additional router that will be provided by your Internet Service Provider.

Frogfoot air

Frogfoot air is an entry-level WIFI-only Fibre solution, available in selected Fibre to the Home coverage areas with speeds of 25/10Mbps . Using the current Frogfoot network, Frogfoot air supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi with no additional router required from your Internet Service Provider! Frogfoot air is installed with a standard access build into your home, which means that you can upgrade to a standard Frogfoot Fibre line or keep it on the Frogfoot air solution.

How do you place an order?

In order to enjoy Froggin’ Awesome Fibre, you will need to place an order with your preferred Internet service provider on the Frogfoot website or directly with the ISP. Once your order has been placed, the ISP will need to accept the order and confirm your information. Once your order has been processed and your zone is live, there is a standard lead time for installation. In this time, you will be contacted by the installation team to schedule a time to install at your home.

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Fibre FAQs

For all your Fibre questions answered, view our FAQs below:

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