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Archives: FAQs


What is Frogfoot air?

Frogfoot air is an entry-level WIFI-only fibre solution. A device that gives you a taste of the Fibre experience at a lower cost. The available speeds are 10/1Mbps and 20/2Mbps and there is a limitation of 2.4GHz band spectrum, supporting up to 10 devices in your home.  

What speeds can I choose from?

Our packages include asymmetrical speed services with 10/1Mbps and 20/2Mbps.  

Is Frogfoot air available in all Frogfoot coverage areas?

Frogfoot air is only available in select areas. To find out if this product is available in your area, please check your coverage.

How do I upgrade and downgrade my service?

If you have a standard Frogfoot service already installed in your home and would like to downgrade to Frogfoot air, you can simply place a new order for air. The equipment will need to be replaced with a new Frogfoot air device.

If you would like to upgrade from Frogfoot air to a standard device, you can place an order with your preferred internet service provider or directly on the Frogfoot website. We will simply enable the ethernet ports on the equipment and your ISP will need to send their router.

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